Brighter Days Family Grief Center proudly acquired Fairview Health’s Youth Grief Services program in December 2020. This 20+ year proven program served hundreds of youth annually through a quarterly grief series and two annual bereavement camps, Camp Erin®-Twin Cities. We also offer virtual and in-person grief support groups, access to free short-term grief counseling, and family-friendly events that provide connection to others who have experienced a similar loss. We view this connection as one of the most important emotional aspects of our model of care; knowing that there are others who understand can help diminish the level of isolation a grieving child or teen may typically feel.
Our no-cost Family Grief Support Series (formerly youth grief support series) is offered quarterly for families who have experienced the death of a loved one. This series is an evidence-based and trauma-informed program led by our master level grief counselors, staff, and professionally trained volunteers. The first week starts with a beautiful welcoming ceremony for the family and the last week ends with a meaningful closing ceremony, both providing the opportunity for connection and healing. Activities are hands-on and age appropriate, and each week focuses on specific content. Our Family Series has in-person and virtual options to accommodate as many families as possible; please contact us for winter dates.
Brighter Days is proud to be a partner of the Eluna Network and will offer Camp Erin®-Twin Cities, a no-cost bereavement camp, up to three times per year. Led by our master level grief counselors, staff, and professionally trained volunteers, both Youth and Family camp options are offered, giving parents/caregivers an opportunity to choose what is the best fit for their family. Camp activities embed grief support and education in fun yet instructive ways that creates an atmosphere to facilitate safe expression of grief both physically and emotionally. Lasting friendships develop out of the camp experience creating an extended support community. Visit our Camp page for more details.
Whether it is through our partners or one of our special events, we are committed to providing healthy and positive engagement for the children and families of Brighter Days Family Grief Center. Aside from grief support, camps and retreats, we will continue to provide virtual and in-person activities and events to remind children that they are not alone. Keep an eye out for events like Family FUN days, tickets to sporting events, craft making, wellness workshops, and holiday themed memorial events. All created with the intention to connect children and families to each other.
Brighter Days provides free support groups and workshops for specific age groups and loss types. We also provide anticipatory support for children who are anticipating the death of a parent, sibling or close family member. Short-term grief counseling is provided at no cost and parent consultations are always encouraged. We want to help you support your grieving child(ren) while ensuring you have support for yourself as well.
Brighter Days Family Grief Center focuses on bringing families back together after the death or terminal diagnosis of a loved one by addressing the many psychosocial and logistical needs of each family member. Trusted by hospices, schools, and communities since 2017, Brighter Days provides no cost and compassionate services to Minnesota children, adults, and families.
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